Taryn Perry


BFA Student

Major: Animation & Game Art

Graduation Year: 2019

Artist Statement:

Delving into the art of storytelling, I’ve taken the approach of 2D animation and digital illustration to display the world and characters made for my story Pyro Chicken. As humorous as the title may be, the story is a glance into a world on the edge of becoming a dystopia. The story revolves around a multitude of characters, with the main three finding themselves caught in what you might call a ‘love triangle of crime’. As the detective, Mackenzie ‘Ken’ Clark, chases down a known arsonist and borderline terrorist referred to as the Pyro Chicken due to the strange mask he wears, there is a bigger evil brewing behind the scenes in the form of the Williams’ Foundation.

When it comes down to it, my thesis is a way of sharing a story I’ve had since high school, that I hope to someday write in its entirety. For now, I am using this opportunity to design a pitch for the tale of Pyro Chicken. It is my wish that this project draws people in and makes them want for more, while at the same time showcasing my own ability as an animator and illustrator.


Born in Brewer, Maine, Taryn Perry is currently a major in Digital Media at the Maine College of Art, who focuses on character creation and has experience in 3D modeling with Maya, storyboarding, and 2D and 3D animation. They currently are planning to find work in animation and character design. Taryn has done freelance jobs with video editing and graphic design, for a news channel and a small time business, respectively. They enjoy spending time with animals- especially cats- and reading fiction, as well as creating their own fiction-based stories.
