April Joy (AJ) Azutillo


BFA Student

Major: Animation & Game Art

Graduation Year: 2020


April Joy (AJ) Azutillo is a Filipino-American animator, illustrator, and sequential artist. She is a self-described one-clown circus act as she loves to explore different storytelling avenues and rendering styles and has a penchant for mixing angst in her otherwise humorous slice-of-life stories. AJ likes to have fun while working and believes that her best pieces were born out of pure, 100% organic, ethically sourced self-indulgence and brands it as self-decadence. Her illustrative and sequential work showcased in her portfolio can be described as “pretty cool… laid back… like you can grab a beer with it.”

She loves using the word 'effervescent' in a specific context and you should totally ask her about it when you first approach her.

Instagram & Twitter: @https_aj
