Jin's Journal

Image 1, Rachel Irene Breckinridge, Untitled, 2018, Gouache, 11 x 9 x 3/8

Image 2, Rachel Irene Breckinridge, Untitled, 2018, Gouache, 11 x 25

Image 3, Rachel Irene Breckinridge, Untitled, 2018, Gouache, 11 x 9

Image 4, Rachel Irene Breckinridge, Untitled, 2018, Gouache, 11 x 18

Image 5, Rachel Irene Breckinridge, Untitled, 2018, Gouache, 11 x 18

Image 6, Rachel Irene Breckinridge, Untitled, 2018, Gouache, 11 x 9

Image 7, Rachel Irene Breckinridge, Untitled, 2018, Gouache, 11 x 9

Posted on: April 26, 2018
Views: 1494


Spending a large amount of my youth in and out of hospitals, doctors offices, and physical therapy appointments largely shaped my view of what I considered a normal childhood. From the time I was only a few months old, I had already had my first operation on my left and right legs. Although, ultimately, this operation would allow me to walk, it left me with casts on both legs at six months of age, as well as permanent surgery scars. As a young child, I had difficulty relating to any picture book characters, as none of them looked anything like me: sitting in a wheelchair, casts on my legs, IV tubes, or wearing hospital gowns. Through my love of picture books, I decided to write and illustrate a story for children who are going through similar experiences and develop relatable characters, a story I wish had been available to me growing up.

Rachel Irene Breckinridge

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BFA Student

Major: Illustration

Graduation Year: 2018
