Gigi learns to swim

Gigi Learns to Swim 1

Gigi Learns to Swim 2

Gigi Learns to Swim 3

Gigi Learns to Swim 4

Gigi Learns to Swim 5

Gigi Learns to Swim 6

Gigi Learns to Swim 7

Gigi Learns to Swim 8

Gigi learns to Swim 9

Posted on: April 27, 2018
Views: 1443


As a child, I loved to swim and splash around with my family and friends. Some of my fondest memories are days spent in my grandparent�s pool. Through the development of friendly characters, this picture book was created to help children who are water phobic. Gigi the giraffe, the main character, is afraid of the water until she finds a new friend, Hetty the hippo. With some coaching from Hetty, Gigi is finally is able to enjoy swimming -- splishing and splashing her cares away. The inspiration for my characters are rooted from my own childhood experiences, a particular stuffed giraffe, and watching The Lion King and African nature documentaries. I would like to dedicate this story to my grandparents and all those long summer days in the sunshine.

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Brittany Taylor

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BFA Student

Major: Illustration

Graduation Year: 2018