"Thank you! Your POKEMON are fighting fit!"
Angel's Afternoon (Delight)
Taxidermy of the Sublime.jpeg (Taxidermy of the Sublime, III)
Still from 200 Tweets by Jane.exe
Screenshot of Jane.exe's Artificial Intelligence-powered Twitter account
In my final semester towards my BFA thesis, I examined closely my positionality within binary power structures of late capitalism. In the latter half of the 20th century and especially since the advent of the Internet, we now more than ever define ourselves by the commodities we consume from our culture. As a non-binary individual, I have explored through painting and other supplemental work the ways in which the cultural touchstones I grew up with both have empowered me while also contributing to capitalist enterprises. I have chosen to critically engage with these binary power systems by reevaluating my relationship with privilege, commodity fetishism, and the intersectionalities of the facets of my identity. By engaging with the things that I love, or have once loved, and also problematizing their inherent relationship with capitalism, I can explore the performative nature of identities. Ultimately, my goal is to exist outside of binary structures entirely, to make nothing out of something.