Different Worlds, 2018, Oil on Panel, 24x24in.

Escape to Freedom, 2018, Oil on Panel, 16x16in.

A Moment Elsewhere, 2018, Oil on Panel, 24x24in.

Posted on: May 9, 2018
Views: 2341


" declare oneself 'queer' is no less of a speech act. It is a recognition that the fear of the un-normal is also a source of power. Such a defiant self-nomination disarms those who seek to use it to shame and silence. Similarly, for those who embrace this stance, the experience of seeing an object, a text or an act as queer produces not suspicion but affection. Once the performative force of queer is taken on with pride and insubordination, the veneer of enforced normalcy cracks. Sites of resistance, resilience, dissent and immoderation appear everywhere as possibilities for rebellion, for connection and for solidarity. Queer artists are exemplary of this."

- David J. Getsy, QUEER: Documents of Contemporary Art.

Lucas Ouellette

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BFA Alumni

Major: Painting

Graduation Year: 2018

Artist Statement:

Lucas is interested in creating work that revolves around his personal experience wherein each work functions as a celebration of his queer identity. Abstracting the potential for figural work dissolves the idea of a specified identity, allowing his work to function in any capacity that is dependent on the audience. Creating dialogue surrounding these ideas of self provides clarity in the investigation of how a person’s projected identity directly influences their experience. All of these specific elements of queer identity need to be artistically and socially represented in order to create a comprehension in a community that is built on solidarity and empathy.