Bleaching of the Reefs

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Untitled, 2018

Posted on: May 10, 2018
Views: 2122


The coral reefs are one of the most sought out natural wonders in our oceans, having existed on the Earth for thousands of years. The mesmerizing colors and animals that thrive in this fragile ecosystem are at risk. It is not hugely publicized how badly humanities choices are affecting a lot of fragile environments around the world. The corals are so fragile that any type of stress to the coral can cause them to go into a state of bleaching. That means that the coral is more susceptible to diseases causing them to die out. This five look collection is inspired by these bleachings; bringing this problem to the foreground. All of the fabrics and textile techniques used are inspired by the coral. By relating the stresses the coral is facing to the stresses that people face on a daily basis, the garments are meant to be comfortable for the wearer while bringing their natural beauty to attention.

Briana Fusco

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BFA Alumni

Major: Textile & Fashion Design

Graduation Year: 2018