What a Catch!

Main Menu Screen

Screenshot of Kamaria

Screenshot of Niabi

Screenshot of Florez

Ending Screen

Posted on: April 29, 2019
Views: 1244


What a Catch! is a dating simulation visual novel game that critiques the dating simulation genre, ideas of beauty, and romantic culture from within the context of a genre whose themes are centered on these very things. Reel in some hotties straight from the ocean (fresh, never frozen)-- or will you find yourself tangled in one of their nets instead? Meet your sea-mate among six colorful merfolk, covering many shapes, sizes, genders and species, each super cute in their own way. (*Content Warnings: blood, death, terminal illness) Download from https://siglise.itch.io/what-a-catch-demo

Elise Foley

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BFA Student

Major: Animation & Game Art

Graduation Year: 2019
