Everything is Not What it Seems

Installation View

Installation View, front

Installation View, side

Installation View

Installation View

Installation View

Installation View

Posted on: December 10, 2019
Views: 1089


Installed in the Porteous Building, this art installation is an effervescent combination of painting, sculpture, and found objects explored through a variety of colors and forms. This installation is a manifestation of my experiences among a culture that has created a longing for a better future- politically and socially. I use my imagination, curiosity, and sense of freedom as a point of departure to create this realm of reality into existence.

Other Projects by Caitlyn D'Amico

Caitlyn D'Amico

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MFA Student

Major: Painting

Graduation Year: 2021

Artist Statement:

My art plays the fool. It is deeply psychological but conveyed through a simple and juvenile aesthetic. There is always this inherent horror and uneasy feeling presented in the work that lies deep within the colorful and seductive collection of shapes. I use art to open the door and creating an entry-way into my mind, and a portal to access my paintings.
By combining painting, sculpture and installation I am able to explore space and the physicality of the work.
