Hole Set, Porcelain
The Living Object Set, Porcelain
Pointy Bowl, Porcelain
Pointy Bowl, Porcelain
Hole Bowl, Porcelain
Hole Bowl, Porcelain
Hole Cup, Porcelain
Hole Cup, Porcelain
Hole Cup, Porcelain
Holy Cup, Porcelain
I consider objects as living things. Objects exist within our daily lives, some go unnoticed, some we depend on and others we cherish. With The Living Object I am questioning what tableware affords the user. Could I design tableware that asks the user to pay close attention to their actions and the food they are consuming. Could tableware facilitate slowing down, could it command your full attention, to focus on one thing at a time, to appreciate what you have? The Living Object invites the user to renew their perception of the objects they often take for granted. In hopes of fostering a deeper appreciation for the things that surround them and the actions they support.