Clothing Master Sheet, 2020
Sustain Line, 2020, Natural fibers including: cotton, linen, bull denim, and gauze
Garment Explainer Cards, 2020
Sustain Brand, 2020
Slow fashion is a movement fostering change in the fashion industry towards greater ecological integrity and social good. It is a multi-faceted topic, but broken down to its most basic form means considering the following pillars: 1. Ethical practices of recycling and consideration for waste 2. Putting a wedge in fast fashion and ending mass consumption 3. Garment care, repair, and life cycles 4. Consideration for sustainable materials and resources and 5. Empathetic design and making.
In my thesis work I explored activity theory through the making of five garments, pairing one sustainable pillar with each. While making, I considered the garments as a whole and created a brand and brand elements to pair with the collection. This collection not only embodies sustainability, but also is a reflection of my research on activity theory. I chose activity theory as a framework through which I learned to make garments and understand sustainable fashion at its core.