An Investigation of the Self Constructed Form

“Act I (1.1)”, 2019, Silkscreen and Graphite on Paper, 14”x 18”

“Act I (1.9)”, 2019, Silkscreen and Graphite on Paper, 14”x 18”

“Act I (1.11)”, 2019, Silkscreen and Graphite on Paper, 14”x 18”

"Self Portrait in the Light", 2020, Monotype on Paper mounted on Wooden Frame, 32”x 68”

"Untitled", 2020, Monotype on Paper, 22”x 30”

Posted on: May 12, 2020
Views: 884


While I questioned what artwork would look like without any implements of gender at all- I have come to the conclusion that gender is a performance in which you construct your own values and culture outside of a heteronormative binary. I present as a character of masculine nature, however, my physical appearance does not match my internal experiences. Through printmaking, I explore these values that live within the human condition, and the forms I construct to serve as a visual placeholder for these performances that operate outside of gender. Instead of conforming to a binary of male or female, I value and celebrate emotions in my practice, as well as desires, anxieties, relationships, fears, and strengths that human beings are capable of.

Ian Colwell

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BFA Student

Major: Printmaking

Graduation Year: 2020