“Act I (1.1)”, 2019, Silkscreen and Graphite on Paper, 14”x 18”
“Act I (1.9)”, 2019, Silkscreen and Graphite on Paper, 14”x 18”
“Act I (1.11)”, 2019, Silkscreen and Graphite on Paper, 14”x 18”
"Self Portrait in the Light", 2020, Monotype on Paper mounted on Wooden Frame, 32”x 68”
"Untitled", 2020, Monotype on Paper, 22”x 30”
While I questioned what artwork would look like without any implements of gender at all- I have come to the conclusion that gender is a performance in which you construct your own values and culture outside of a heteronormative binary. I present as a character of masculine nature, however, my physical appearance does not match my internal experiences. Through printmaking, I explore these values that live within the human condition, and the forms I construct to serve as a visual placeholder for these performances that operate outside of gender. Instead of conforming to a binary of male or female, I value and celebrate emotions in my practice, as well as desires, anxieties, relationships, fears, and strengths that human beings are capable of.