The Distance Between Us (installation), 2020, hemp porcelain, hemp terra cotta, glaze, terra sigillata, wire, putty, paper Dimensions vary
Rest, 2020, hemp porcelain, hemp terra cotta, burnt umber, putty, paper 35” x 20.5” x 17”
Rest (detail), 2020, hemp porcelain, hemp terra cotta, burnt umber, putty, paper 35” x 20.5” x 17”
Fences of Portland, ME, 2020, terracotta, terra sigillata, black iron oxide, black nickel oxide, bronze glaze, 27” x .25” x 10”
Stay Together, 2020, hemp terra cotta, terra sigillata, cobalt, black nickel oxide 25” x 18” x 35”
Flower Field, 2020, terra cotta, terra sigillata, titanium yellow mason stain, wire 26” x 1/4” x 72”
Anna Valenti
2020 MFA Thesis Exhibition
hemp porcelain, hemp terra cotta, glaze, terra sigillata, wire, putty, paper
Dimensions vary