Floriography: Bridging Traditional and Contemporary Forms of Communication

Contemporary Floral Dictionary, 2020, Adobe Suite

Message Cards, 2020, Adobe Suite

Floral Illustrations, 2020, Watercolors, 3" x 3"

Postcards, 2020, Watercolors and Adobe Suite Image

Floral Photography, 2020, Canon Rebel T6 DSLR Camera and Adobe Suite

Thesis Process Book, 2020, Adobe Suite, 8.5" x 11"

Posted on: May 13, 2020
Views: 872


For my thesis, I chose to explore communication through floriography and the possibilities of combining past forms of communication with modern forms. Within the past few decades, our society has grown used to instant communication allowed for by technological advancement. Back in the Victorian era the most common form of communicating was sending letters and postcards, which we now refer to as snail mail. Another way Victorians also communicated was through floriography, which is the use of flowers to send messages. Each flower is assigned a meaning or meanings, which could be found in flower dictionaries, and a combination of flowers created messages. I was interested in this method of communication and began questioning how it could be incorporated into modern times, or if it could be incorporated? So the group of projects I had worked on through the semester explored this thought process.

Anna Wight

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BFA Student

Major: Graphic Design

Graduation Year: 2020
