Colorscape Logo, 2020
Colorscape App Screens, 2020
Playtronica MIDI Controller, 2020
Playtronica Demo, 2020
Colorscape VR Screenshot 1, 2020
Colorscape VR Screenshot 2, 2020
Thesis Teaser Poster, 2020
Throughout our childhood, we establish connections. We construct associations between ideas, places, and people in order to make sense of our environments. These associations can be thought of as a multimodal sensory input where we are perceiving our landscape through more than one of the senses. In certain cases, this mingling of the senses causes a bodily reaction. My thesis analyzes Chromesthesia, a form of multimodal processing where color is involuntarily seen when sound is heard. Through interactive, and digital media I consider how to make a viewer feel engaged and immersed in a highly visual environment that brings this experience to life.