Like childhood imagination, ceramics is a fluid material and provides the opportunity for creating and transposing what's inside my head into a physical form. Exuding playfulness through sculpted variety of pastries and sweets and costumery. My method of making is an experimental strategy to help transpose and embody my lighthearted and colorful personality within every object I create. Venturing beyond simplistic functional forms that dominate the field, I've chosen to refocus attention on the overlooked histories of sculptural figurines. Surfacing is vital to give each figure life, from colored acrylics to bright glazes, along with the gestures, poses, and size enhances each object's personality. I find making objects look similar to their edible counterparts while giving them a cartoony spin, such as adjusting scale and using brighter colors, successful with the intent for my audience to see the playful twist on what they already know.