Flora & Fauna Tarot Series

Series Collection 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 25 x 17

0. The Fool 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 3.5 x 5

1. The Magician 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 3.5 x 5

2. The High Priestess 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 3.5 x 5

Card Back 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 3.5 x 5

3. The Empress 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 3.5 x 5

4. The Emperor 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 3.5 x 5

18. The Moon 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 3.5 x 5

19. The Sun 2020 Ink, Watercolor, Gouache, Photoshop CC 3.5 x 5

Posted on: May 18, 2020
Views: 1213


For my thesis, I chose to illustrate a tarot deck suit known as the major arcana. Every card of this suit is represented by a character, and in my series I chose to carefully illustrate each card as an animal. The major arcana is a suit of twenty-two cards found in the standard tarot deck, which is used in modern-day media for divination. Each major arcana card has its own set of meanings and predictions, so I chose animals with cultural folklore and history that aligned best with the message of the card. Each animal was selected from a variety of cultures found around the globe and their aligning myths to deliver an individual message to the card drawer. This notion was inspired by human interpretation of animals being a messenger of a god or a symbol of an outcome. I illustrated the deck with vibrant colors, flora, and imagery in the hopes that when each card is drawn, the animal will offer comfort along with the foretelling.

Zoë Matthiessen

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BFA Student

Major: Illustration

Graduation Year: 2020
