Walnut and Basswood, 6x7x12in, 2019
Walnut and Basswood, 6x7x12in, 2019
Walnut and Basswood, 6x7x12in, 2019
Walnut and Basswood, 6x7x12in, 2019
This cabinet, about 12 inches tall and 6 inches wide, holds an urn-like wood turning with a large knot scarring its smooth round form. The door to the cabinet has no handles and the ant tunnel holes in the door mirror the void in the urn created by the knot. It was created as a way to commemorate my sibling that died at birth and served as a way for me to consider all the things that might have been and lay those ideas to rest. The fact that the door has no handle serves to show the end of that rumination. It was a way for me to think about those possibilities, while also accepting that what happened happened and nothing can be done to change it.