Documentation of Dads Camera

Posted on: April 5, 2021
Views: 743


This work is at the intersection of autobiographical narrative and photographic documentation.
My dad was taking baby pictures of me when he was my age. The camera he used is also the camera that ushered me into a life-long relationship with photography.
The images in this series are essentially digital documentation of the presentation form of a single roll of slide film shot with my dad's old camera. Exploring through documentation and withdrawal, the malleability of memory, and the inevitable progression of time.

Other Projects by Adam C Powers

Adam C Powers

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MFA Alumni

Major: Photography

Graduation Year: 2021

Artist Statement:

The camera arrests time. In the stillness of some photographic images, a full contemplation of place is available. Adam Powers uses the camera to capture and represent everyday places, magnified by the abundance of evidentiary detail. The ordinary and the overlooked are always connected to a narrative elevated beyond its superficial utility, but Powers employs the arrested moment captured by the camera to access this greater narrative inherent in all things.
Photography to Powers is a celebration of technical proficiency directed towards both external and internal subject matter. The external are urban landscapes of dumpsters, shopping carts, found garbage, and admiring glances at overlooked corners that become glamorized by the camera; finding the presence of aesthetic pleasure in subjectively discounted places. The internal deals with autobiographical narratives of multigenerational curation and documentation within the home; exploring the inevitability of time and the malleability of memory.