Reflections into Reimagination

Beehive Bear with Two Bumble Beans, November 2020, Selectively Glazed Ceramic, Oil Paint 7x5x5 inches.

Beehive Bear with Two Bumble Beans, November 2020, Selectively Glazed Ceramic, Oil Paint 7x5x5 inches (Close up, back).

Beehive Bear with Two Bumble Beans, November 2020, Selectively Glazed Ceramic, Oil Paint 7x5x5 inches (Close up, front).

Wild Flower with Butterfly, October 2020, Ceramic, Watercolor, 5x4x3 inches.

Bumbling Around, March 2021, Ceramic, Underglaze, Mica, SonoTube, Neon Spray Paint, Acrylic, Pillow, Colored Fluorescence, 14x10x8 inches.

Momma Flower, March 2021, Ceramic, Mica Shower Curtain, Fur Rug, Plastic Tubes, 26x18x10 inches.

Curious One, 2019-2020, Ceramic surfaced with Mica Sig, Fabric, Pillow, Mirror, Monstera,12x10x7 inches.

Wild Flower, October 2020, Ceramic, Mica Sig, 7x5x5 inches.

Wild Flower, October 2020, Ceramic, Mica Sig, 7x5x5 inches (Environment, close up).

Bean Pup, October 2020, Selectively Glazed Ceramic, 7x5.5x4.5 inches

Posted on: May 14, 2021
Views: 729


Senior Thesis Work

Sarah B MacDonald

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BFA Alumni

Major: Ceramics

Graduation Year: 2021

Artist Statement:

I sculpt with the meditative medium of clay to extricate extreme grief by creating exuberantly painted creatures inspired by my love of the natural world, specifically animals and plants. My benevolent sculptures own a colorful surface of abstract naturally occurring patterns. I design my work to reference the distorted, but recognizable, features of children’s toys. I am elaborating on the importance of developmental childhood play and its necessary extension into adulthood for our mental health. My imaginary creatures reside in environments constructed through experimentation in transforming found and collected recycled materials. Presenting discarded objects alludes to the inevitable outcome faced by all things in the circle of life. We all exist momentarily, our energy eventually displaced through our nutrients absorbed by the earth. I conjure these creatures to confront the sentimental preciousness bestowed upon significant experiences that impact our existence as thinking and feeling human beings.