Accumulation explores the intra- and interpersonal development of self through five culturally constructed identity labels that have been applied, but are not specific to me: child, woman, artist, lover, and depressive. The identities manifest as masks, each a three-dimensional print of my face made of paper and glue. This combination of materials produces a sort of translucent white skin, yet their inherent imperfections (much like those of a human) disqualify them as "blank." Each is then individually embedded with found objects of significance to its history. As every character, I perform a series of five everyday tasks. My props do not vary; these simple actions are only made unique or extraordinary by the energy contained within the masks. During exhibition, viewers are welcomed to try the masks on so they may experience their energies firsthand. Accompanying the masks is a series of intaglio self-portraits tiling the adjacent wall. The first print is a photograph, burned into the copper matrix by a laser cutter. Every following print is a direct manipulation of the one preceding it. Through accumulation and destruction of mark, I assist the staticky black figure in its warping and evolution.