No Child Left Behind

Parent Drop Off

Concrete & Stones


Detail Image of Parent Drop Off

Capture the Flag


Steel Rebar

& Lace Veil


Detail Of Installation

Posted on: May 4, 2016
Views: 1995


"No Child Left Behind"

This project aims to affect social change by engaging viewers through active processes of representation that seeks to encourage dialogue, raise awareness, and empower individuals around the topics of child development. I've incorporated people's stories alongside personal references to communicate the emotional undertone in each of these stories. By establishing trusting relationships with certain individuals, I have allowed them to comfortably talk with me about pressing issues in their lives. I search for a broader context that ultimately evokes a powerful yet somber message to my audience. My attempt is to speak about the importance of a child's connection to a family and seek to inspire personal reflection of what the entails.

Other Projects by David Martinez

David Martinez

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BFA Student

Major: Metalsmithing & Jewelry

Graduation Year: 2016

Artist Statement:

David Martínez transforms everyday mundane objects through material choice, context, and spacial placement, causing the viewers to question their perceptions of thinking. This leaves the viewer unsettled in understanding the meaning behind the work, a common theme that is experienced through this feeling of the uncanny. With inspiration stemming from issues and current events, the objects begin to speak with each other, revealing their true meaning. Overall this work is meant for those who take the time to survey and dissect the work into sections to reveal their own interpretation and meaning of the works as a whole.