Thesis 2017

Posted on: April 23, 2017
Views: 1746


I?ve taken the skills and process I?ve learned throughout these years and compiled them into a handmade book. With carved cedar covers and brass hinges, this book holds the ?secrets? for a more complete life. The first page contains the manifest which describes the 7 key principles: Seek Knowledge, Live simply, Time is of the Essence, Invest in Quality, Sing, and Reflect. The rest of the pages are writings and hand drawn illustrations of tools, processes, stories, songs, herbology, recipes, instructions, and traditions that I?ve picked up along the way. This book is intentionally left with empty pages since I know there will be more lessons to come.

Other Projects by Andy Alter

Andy Alter

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BFA Student

Major: Metalsmithing & Jewelry

Graduation Year: 2017

Artist Statement:

I am searching for a more enriched life through craft, self-fulfillment, and community. Inspired by folklore and tradition, I’m looking for the best way to bring craft traditions back to our modern life. I'm looking for community and am interested in helping people become more open to connecting with one another. I'm questioning how we can slow down our lives and regain the connection with our action that has been pushed out of focus by the 9-5 grind and reality TV. We sacrifice enjoyment for dead end mundanity because we're told we have to. We've transitioned into a kind of connectivity where interacting with one another is nearly exclusively digital. I want to find ways to help people connect with others through handicrafts, singing, teaching, and exploring our natural world.