Just Outside of Marfa

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Johanna Johanna22

Johanna Johanna installation

Johanna Johanna 23

Posted on: May 3, 2017
Views: 1662


These are specific objects, hung at my eye level, made in the human production line of my hand. I am investigating my identity as a maker with the viewer, translated through my sisters performance.

Alex Helen Kuehne

View ProfileConnect

BFA Student

Major: Painting

Graduation Year: 2017

Artist Statement:

We are aware of the beginning and the end, but not the in between; it happens too slow to see, although it feels too fast and has no hierarchy. When watching a dance performance, the spectator has an empathetic interaction with the dancer's body and movements. They do not imagine the movement but understand the action. In contrast, when viewing a minimalist art work, the viewer has an understanding of the material used and thus, has an empathetic reaction which is rooted in theatricality. Just as a pointe shoe, they are activated by the interaction with the audience, an object mediated by the dancer. This series of panels aims to engage with the theatrical interaction and understanding of movement that is made meaningful by the presence of the audience.
I want to embrace the performative element of portraiture and present the viewer with a mediated interaction, achieved through installation and short-handed action painting and its antithesis: glazing with oils.
