The two together/ Las dos juntas

Posted on: May 5, 2017
Views: 2203


As a child of immigrants I feel as though I exist in two worlds. One side of my identity is influenced by being born in New Jersey while the other is shaped by my family?s Colombian culture and beliefs. I can never belong completely to either of these identities, but I have been able to find a balance between the two. Having intimate knowledge of my mother?s culture, its heavy influence is apparent in the objects and content behind my current work. For my thesis exhibition I have taken portraits of two identities that I find myself empowered by: my American self and my Hispanic upbringing.

Como hija de inmigrantes, siento que existo en dos mundos. Un lado de mi identidad esta influenciada por haber nacido en Nueva Jersey, mientras que el otro esta formado por la cultura y las creencias Colombianas de mi familia. Nunca puedo pertenecer completamente a ninguna de estas identidades, pero he sido capaz de encontrar un equilibrio entre los dos. Teniendo un conocimiento intimo de la cultura de mi madre, su gran influencia es evidente en los objetos y contenido detras de mi trabajo actual. Para mi exposicion de tesis he tomado retratos de dos identidades que me han permitido mi yo americano y mi educacion

Stephanie Farinhas

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BFA Student

Major: Sculpture

Graduation Year: 2017

Artist Statement:

As a child of immigrants I feel as though I exist in two worlds. One side of my identity is influenced by being born in New Jersey while the other is shaped by my family’s Colombian culture and beliefs. I can never belong completely to either of these identities, but I have been able to find a balance between the two. Having intimate knowledge of my mother’s culture, its heavy influence is apparent in the objects and content behind my current work. For my thesis exhibition I have taken portraits of two identities that I find myself empowered by: my American self and my Hispanic upbringing.