Jade Cosmetics

Posted on: May 6, 2017
Views: 1515


The research of influences, the analysis of my process, and working on my package design, comes together into my final thesis, Jade Cosmetics. Jade is an important part of my Cambodian heritage. The name carries significant value and meaning to Cambodian culture. It is a gemstone that can be turned into a mineral, which people use for its healing properties, especially for the hair and skin. This goes hand in hand with my title Jade Cosmetics because my makeup line correlates to the jade medicinal components, suggesting health and healing ingredients. Apart from its magical wonders, itâ??s a stone seen and used culturally throughout Asia. Itâ??s prominent in temples, statues, jewelry, house objects, etc. In religious rituals, it is used as a gateway to help reach enlightenment, by protecting you from all your fears. The aura of the jade stone projects positivity and prevents negative energy, an idea I have chosen to encourage in my makeup line. I want my design to showcase positivity and boldness.

Rosetta Kong

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BFA Alumni

Major: Graphic Design

Graduation Year: 2017

Artist Statement:

I am a graphic designer who wants to specialize in packaging. For my thesis project, I have experimented with package design in the realm of cosmetic makeup lines, influenced by my Cambodian heritage. My background in cosmetology has helped develop my artistic curiosity, making this a perfect opportunity to explore my interests. By merging cosmetology and graphic design, I produced creative designs that are innovative and stand out in two thriving industries. It challenged me to create content that respects both my passions.
