Exploring Landscapes: Knitting Maine's Coast

Posted on: May 8, 2017
Views: 1890


A collection of 5 knitted and sewn garments, each inspired by a unique Maine Coastal landscape.

Megan Hudson

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BFA Student

Major: Textile & Fashion Design

Graduation Year: 2017

Artist Statement:

As an artist I create textiles that embody my relationship to my family, the Maine landscape, natural textures, and the correlation between music and color. Creating my own textiles is important to me. Keeping the traditional way of creating textiles alive is a big part of my artistic practice. I am a very tactile person; I gain inspiration through touching, and hearing. During four years at MECA my family and landscapes have been a big part of my textiles. My family relationships inspire me with the wonderful times we spend together. The textiles and garments are based on places where we spend time together and I wanted to treasure the best moments we have shared together. I have focused on five significant locations in Maine: Castine Harbor, Wolfe’s Neck, Peaks Island, Portland Head, and Scarborough Beach, each of which has played an important part in my life. My knitted garments express my emotional ties to these unique places with their different feelings, tones, colors, textures, and light. I designed my collection to illustrate how much I treasure the unique beauty of the Maine coastline, and in so doing, I am able to share that beauty with others.
