Nimrud, 2017

Nimrud, 2017, handmade egg tempera, 275 x 1100 cm

Nimrud, 2017 (details) handmade egg tempera, 275 x 1100 cm

Nimrud, 2017 (details) handmade egg tempera, 275 x 1100 cm

Nimrud, 2017 (details) handmade egg tempera, 275 x 1100 cm

Posted on: September 18, 2017
Views: 802


Nimrud is a large-scale hand painted rendering of the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud in Iraq, which was severely damaged and looted by extremists in 2015. The work is a composite of images, archeological renderings and video stills of the site itself in various conditions - from excavation to destruction- as well the portions of the site located in museums around the world, including the National Museum of Iraq, the British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum. Here, a group of Yazidi families walk to safety, displaced by the recent violence, accompanied by violinist Ameen Mukdad from Mosul. Several destroyed shrines and a rescue helicopter crash can be seen in the background.

Other Projects by Alina Gallo

Alina Gallo

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MFA Alumni

Major: Sculpture

Graduation Year: 2008

Artist Statement:

I began a series of contemporary miniature paintings and large installations chronicling the events unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa region and their representation in Western media in 2012 following the onset of the 'Arab Spring.'

Our digital landscape puts us in contact with a sea of fragmented and stratified documentations that come forth on social media platforms filtered by chance as well as by multiple, calculated and unknowable internal dialectics and interests.

My work samples and combines imagery and information from this multitude of raw-footage, photographs and documentary snippets, as well as from traditional media outlets, reflecting both a fragmented understanding of these accounts and the conscious and unconscious attempts to recompose a potential reality.