Amy Stanton


BFA Alumni

Major: Printmaking

Graduation Year: 2017

Artist Statement:

My deep-rooted disconnect and discontentedness with this plane of existence has caused me quite a bit of grief. I stumbled, I fell. My artwork wandered aimlessly with me. Then, I was bathed in the light of an epiphany and my paradigm shifted. I now make prints in varied editions and artist’s books illustrating my abstract universe, often combining silkscreen flat colors with copper plate etchings of line work.
Portals to my universe manifest in the form of my artwork. The depth of my never-ending tale unfurls with each printed layer and each fusion of the mechanic with the organic. My hope is for my solace-seeking kindred spirits to visit my world, feel less alone, and help me do the same--if only for a short while.


Amy Stanton was born in western Maryland in 1994, and grew up knowing very little about the art world. However, within her first few semesters at Maine College of Art, she realized printmaking lent her the liberation and possibilities her work needed to shine. She will soon acquire her BFA degree in Printmaking. Amy focuses on combining etching with other processes as well as exploring book forms.

Her sci-fi and fantasy-inspired prints depict her invented “universe” full of abstracted landscapes and the fantastic creatures that inhabit them. She often uses her creative writing skills to support her concepts.