Brief Sanctuary

Posted on: September 27, 2017
Views: 1708


Mixed sustainably harvested hardwoods, peeled by the artist and some local beavers (visible teeth marks), stains, clear finish. 2017 4.5' D x 5'W x 8.5' H

Other Projects by asherah cinnamon

asherah cinnamon

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BFA Alumni

Major: Sculpture

Graduation Year: 2008

Artist Statement:

I am interested in ending the ubiquitous practice of humans hurting other humans (individually and in whole groups) and destroying our planet. Nations repeatedly go to war, destroying people, who are treated as less than human, while the environment is poisoned for decades to come, only to then become allies with those same “enemy” nations one or two generations later. We must learn better, much sooner.
My work engages people in thinking and dialogue on these and related issues. It is also important to me that my work encourages people to stop and think, feel and connect with their most human selves, with the natural world, and with each other.