Beta Male

Bland, pencil,graphite powder on paper, 2014

Citizenihilist, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2013

Deadtown Nothing, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2013

Fontanelle, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2013

A Shallow Imprint, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2013

Painting Holiday Vs. Printmaking Routine, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2013

Redux, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2013

Whathaveyou, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2014

The Death of Fun, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2013

Gin Soaked Olive, pencil, graphite powder on paper, 2013

Posted on: October 1, 2017
Views: 1374


The drawings contained in the Beta Male project were conceived and developed from an organic set of actions. Building off of, and responding to, a decade?s worth of exploration into self-portraiture, the work is a distillation down to portraiture?s essential visual components. Images of my face are tightly cropped, and limited to fundamentally the same position, with minor variations, in order to exhaust the possibilities of a prescribed, rigid concept. There exists an absurd quality and awkwardness in the pieces as I stare directly out at the viewer creating tension and a forced engagement.

The pieces operate as a counter to my work in printmaking. Familiar materials and techniques are adopted to create something fresh and new. The immediacy and directness of drawing operated in tandem with the modest scale to encourage production. The drawings return my studio practice to a point of simplicity: pencil, paper, and representation.

Other Projects by Ben Moreau

Ben Moreau

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BFA Alumni

Major: Printmaking

Graduation Year: 1999

Artist Statement: