Less of a Girl

Posted on: April 12, 2018
Views: 1684


CMYK screenprint with handcoloring on Canson 10" x 13" March 2018

Other Projects by jtatlock@meca.edu


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BFA Student

Major: Printmaking

Graduation Year: 2018

Artist Statement:

In this work I aim to confront the topic of gender and my own non-binary identity and experience. I have drawn from my own feelings, experiences, and photographs from childhood and my more recent experience. I utilize this as a means of working through feelings of invalidity in my own gender identity and the confusion I’ve felt all my life. However, unlike my past body of work, I aim for this work to be accessible to a larger audience, more specifically, for people who aren’t familiar with gender and non-binary and transgender identity. Being non-binary often feels invalid because there isn’t much of exposure of it outside of the LGBTQ community(or even inside of the LGBTQ community). I do however, want to make it clear that these are things from my research and my own experience and that I am not speaking for the entire queer community. This work will serve as a platform for me to educate others about gender through my own and others non-binary and trans experiences.
