Little River from Timber Point, 5' x 4', oil on linen.
Two Lights in a Storm, 19
Dyer Point, Collapsing, 2' x 4', oil on canvas,
Mackworth Island, 4' x 5', oil on linen.
Pond Cove, 19
Fish Beach, Again, 18
Gillespie Farm with No Sandhill Cranes, 12
Digiscopes of Scarborough Marsh, 2' x 4', oil on canvas.
My post-landscape paintings of coastal Maine mimic the rich intertidal ecology that inspires them. They are confluences of gestalt and abstraction, fleeting in-between spaces where material and representation slip past one another. I aim to renegotiate our understanding of landscape and push beyond it by creating works with perceptual gestalts that bring viewers' attention to the politics of seeing.