Star-Crossed Criminals

Star-Crossed Criminals Gameplay Demo, 2020

Main Menu Screen, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

Snake, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

Pip, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

Crysta, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

William and Boss, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

Apartment Background, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

Church Background, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

Back Alley, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

It's Done, 2019, Photoshop, 2500x1660 pixels

Posted on: May 18, 2020
Views: 1005


Star Crossed Criminals is about a young man named Snake. His parents died when he was very young and his grandparents, who were motivated to rear up their grandchild through their traditional and old fashioned discipline techniques, were only able to keep him shut up in their house until he was 12. He ran away, using the small amount of money he could find to arrive in the city of Belton, very closely modeled after the modern city of Seattle, Washington. There, he meets a boy whom he nicknames Pip and shortly after they become close friends- the gang, Shadows, finally find them. They start off doing easy small jobs, information broking and acting as messengers but as they grow, their jobs in the gang get a lot more... deadly. After years of killing and secrets- Snake has no plans to change his course in life until something, or someone, comes into his life that turns his world into chaos.

Other Projects by Leanna Sullivan

Leanna Sullivan

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BFA Student

Major: Animation & Game Art

Graduation Year: 2020