Easily Startled

Posted on: April 4, 2021
Views: 727


Easily Started represents the repair and binding of a human-sized hourglass embellished with bedazzled and deteriorating elements to highlight the adornment of decay. Three equally proportioned vertical segments of the fake being perch on a four foot tall rectangular column of kiln brick. Cheap shiny fabric hems tightly into the body of the piece with wandering Frankenstein seams of durable pink upholstery thread. These erratic implied lines cinch and puff up areas on the wide cone base where reused ceramic, plaster, and paper works of Baugh?s are sutured tightly in place by fishing line.

Other Projects by Julia Baugh

Julia Baugh

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MFA Student

Major: Sculpture

Graduation Year: 2021

Artist Statement:

The cycle of decay is a complex operation that allows the sharing of atoms between all living things in a closed system. Julia Baugh's current work explores the wonder and beauty found in this recycling process. Representations of the decomposition cycle emerge as indescribable organ-like masses and skeletal framed structures. Bacterial craters, patterned mold growth, and putrescent marbling are abstracted into vivid colors, fuzzy textures, and wandering ornamentation on the fake beings. These fictitious and decaying organisms are adorned with a myriad of mediums like dark-rainbow hued fabrics, lustered ceramic baubles, and sparkling plastic jewels. The material and visual elements embellished on Baugh’s sculptural work give the viewer a place to pause and linger on the subject of decay.
