I have become interested in creating spaces where an audience can experience feelings of both entrapment and reparation. Sometimes I've made work that feels like an entanglement to the viewer and traps them in a devouring kind of way. This generally happens in my work when I am thinking a lot about control and layering of memories and feelings that are weighted; memories that can't always be let go of because of the impressions they've made. Expression of memory and feeling comes out in the dark and drained-out colors that I will often use, or the dusty webs of thread covering the room and physically blocking people from access to certain spaces. But I also create spaces that lead to healing and reparation. Usually the viewer's sense of comfort comes from the soft glowing structures or the whisperings and murmurs of sounds coming from a projector and fan, or even the smell of the plant matter sitting in the atmosphere. All of these aspects play into how the viewer feels when they look at my work. These places I create are not always planned in the direction they go, intuition is a big part in my process. The final installation direction always depends on surroundings and placement in my life at the time of the work.