Stip: Time Management App

A still from my portion of the app's interface.

Mind-mapping: concept and development phases.

Branding development: color palettes.

Branding development: logos and wordmarks.

Full video of the app's functionality.

Posted on: March 27, 2017
Views: 2322


A time management app for art students.

Stip, short for stipulation, is an app designed to help students bargain with time. By investigating the most prominent difficulties faced by art students in particular, Stip aims to provide its user with an intuitive interface that assists in the balancing of our day-to-day tasks, as well as management of our long term goals.

Product of the collaborative efforts amongst one powerful design trio including Mariana Silva, Nicole Thiel, as well as myself, Stip is an app designed in the thick of our art school experience, for sufferers alike to whom we may apply some constructive ease to future burdens.

Other Projects by Mollie Ennis

Mollie Ennis

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BFA Alumni

Major: Graphic Design

Graduation Year: 2017

Artist Statement:

My work investigates the feedback loop that causes people to make decisions based on the body. I am interested in the way we interact with our environment, and the design decisions which can affect response. I concentrate on the didactic processes of design, studying the way our bodies learn, perpetuate, and advance through interaction with tangible reality and haptic experience.
I focus my attention on systems, patterns, and schematic organizations already in place that cause people to behave in a specfic way.
I value my ability to move across diciplines, aligning myself with collaborators, applying design methodologies, and developing an understanding of new tools and materials, as well as new practices and techniques.