Time Cards

Posted on: March 27, 2017
Views: 1891


Used to mine data about people's habits and rituals, the Time Cards were the first survey I put out for my thesis project.
In addition to the cards, boxes were also constructed to house both blank and returned surveys, which awaited weekly pick-up at various locations around town and within the building.

Other Projects by Mollie Ennis

Mollie Ennis

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BFA Alumni

Major: Graphic Design

Graduation Year: 2017

Artist Statement:

My work investigates the feedback loop that causes people to make decisions based on the body. I am interested in the way we interact with our environment, and the design decisions which can affect response. I concentrate on the didactic processes of design, studying the way our bodies learn, perpetuate, and advance through interaction with tangible reality and haptic experience.
I focus my attention on systems, patterns, and schematic organizations already in place that cause people to behave in a specfic way.
I value my ability to move across diciplines, aligning myself with collaborators, applying design methodologies, and developing an understanding of new tools and materials, as well as new practices and techniques.
