Painting Edges

"Painting Edges 15" 2016, acrylic on paper, 11.25" x 15"

Posted on: September 11, 2017
Views: 1638


?Painting Edges? is a series of acrylic paintings on paper based on my landscape paintings on canvas. My landscape paintings continue around the edges of wrapped canvases; I noticed that when lined up the edges of the paintings make a new abstract landscape. I started duplicating the painting of the edge of the canvas side by side on paper as I painted each piece. The new piece makes an abstract landscape and documents my work. Each piece reflects the mood, color, location of my work during a period as it represents many individual paintings.

The subjects for my paintings come from having lived in Maine all my life and knowing intimately our everyday palaces and in the last several years my painting travels all around Maine and New Brunswick, Canada. I bring my vision and experience of the place to the viewer and I hope these works make one reconsider the everyday as a painting. ?Painting Edges? takes these traditional landscape paintings a step further into the abstract, but pulls us back with sky, horizon, earth, and water.

Other Projects by Caren-Marie Michel

Caren-Marie Michel

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BFA Alumni

Major: Painting

Graduation Year: 1978

Artist Statement:

My main interest is color in the landscape. I am inspired by nature and the effects of light, time, season, place and color. My paintings come from frequent walks and travels, bringing my vision and experience to the viewer, most often painting on location. I also am interested in the manmade landscape and have set out to document how our urban landscapes continually change. I see the world as a painting, whether it is the old mill downtown, the fire station, golf course, mountain or beach.