and you multiply

Posted on: December 17, 2021
Views: 671


and you multiply seeks to be the sampler that could have been, inviting an element of time travel and science fiction into the work. Using needlepoint, one of the few art forms available to 17th century women, and science fiction (a quote from the 1999 Wachowski?s film The Matrix), I acknowledge the complex relationships inherent in Colonial/Indigenous interactions. I am always wondering if, in attempting to commit genocide, our (my) ancestors missed valuable knowledge that could help us, all of us, the larger us, in the current on upcoming environmental disaster.

Other Projects by Deborah Santoro

Deborah Santoro

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MFA Student

Major: Printmaking

Graduation Year: 2023

Artist Statement:

Deborah Santoro is a conceptual artist working with print, thread, science fiction and light to interrogate Colonial/Indigenous interactions and to investigate how 17th century Colonialist beliefs and ideas form the baseline for the current and upcoming environmental crisis and mass extinction events that speculative fiction writer William Gibson refers to as the 'Jackpot.'