The Chart

The Chart Anthology 2015–2016

Posted on: February 6, 2017
Views: 2358


The Chart is an online journal for art criticism by artists, writers, and cultural producers. The journal features interviews and studio visits, exhibition reviews, essays on art practice and process, portfolios, and features on artist-run spaces, projects, and initiatives. Based in Maine and looking outward, we hope to connect Maine�s artists to each other and to national and international artistic contexts.

The Chart was founded with the intent to serve as a living archive of Maine�s contemporary art history. While contributors write and document Maine art and artists, placing the work and history in contexts that are unique to Maine, we also investigate work from national and global communities with the intent to make visible the vast network of thoughts, themes, and ideas that artists are grappling with, regardless of geography or market.

The Chart has published two annual anthologies in print in addition to its online content. The Chart is a member of Common Field, a visual arts organizing network connecting contemporary, experimental, noncommercial artist-run and artist centered spaces and initiatives. The Chart is also a member of the Maine Writer�s and Publisher�s Alliance.

The first volume of The Chart (2015�16) was supported by generous grant funding from The Kindling Fund and the Maine Arts Commission.

Other Projects by Jenna Crowder

Jenna Crowder

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BFA Alumni

Major: Sculpture

Graduation Year: 2007

Artist Statement:

My practice is characterized by an investigation of language as a poetic space between desire and actualization. Trained as a sculptor and influenced by design principles, linguistics, and pop culture, I use typography, performance, and space to explore both the tactility of the written word as well as its cultural ramifications.